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Using pre-commit

To integrate git-sumi with pre-commit, add the following hook to your pre-commit config:

- repo:
rev: v0.0.9 # check latest version:
- id: git-sumi

Local linting with Git hooks


To set up both Git hooks described below, run git sumi --init hooks.

commit-msg hook

You can use git-sumi to lint each commit message, interrupting commits that don't meet the specified rules.

Before continuing, make sure you have installed git-sumi and have a configuration file (sumi.toml) at the root of your repository. The Getting Started guide will help you with this.

Run this command to set up a commit-msg Git hook:

git sumi --init commit-msg

This will create a Bash Git commit-msg hook in your .git/hooks directory. The hook will abort the commit if its message doesn't pass the rules set up in sumi.toml.

prepare-commit-msg hook

To see the enabled rules when writing a commit message, you can use the prepare-commit-msg hook:

git sumi --init prepare-commit-msg

The Bash hook (in .git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg) will prepend the enabled rules to the commit message template. This way, when you run git commit, you'll see something like:

# git-sumi rules enabled:
# Follow Conventional Commits format.
# Use the imperative mood in the description.
# Header length limit: 50
# List of allowed commit types: feat, fix, docs, refactor, test, chore, misc

# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
# with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.

Linting pull request titles

If you're creating squash-and-merge pull requests, you can use git-sumi to lint the pull request title, which will be used as the merge commit message.

To do this, make sure you've set up sumi.toml at the root of the repository.

To achieve this, after setting up sumi.tomlat the root of your repository, add the following action to your repository's .github/workflows directory:

name: Lint pull request title

- opened
- edited
- synchronize
- ready_for_review

group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event.pull_request.number || github.ref }}
cancel-in-progress: true

pull-requests: read

name: Run git-sumi
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: welpo/git-sumi-action@main

This workflow uses the git-sumi action to lint the pull request title. It will fail if the title doesn't meet the rules set up in sumi.toml.

The workflow is triggered by pull request changes, including opening, editing, syncing, or marking as ready.