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Getting Started

git-sumi is the non-opinionated Rust-powered commit message linter.

Following clear guidelines for commit messages and consistently adhering to them makes using Git and collaborating with other developers much smoother.

Let's see how to get started with git-sumi in less than 5 minutes.

Quick start

  1. Install git-sumi:
cargo install git-sumi
  1. Initialize git-sumi from the root of your project:
git sumi --init

Edit the default configuration (sumi.toml) to your liking. Check out the examples for some ideas.

You can either use git-sumi directly from the command line or set up a Git hook.

Git commit-msg hook

Set up a hook to lint your commit messages automatically:

git sumi --init commit-msg

This will create a Bash Git commit-msg hook in your .git/hooks directory. The hook will interrupt any commits that don't pass the rules you've set up.

Command line

Use git-sumi with -c | --commit to validate the commit message before committing:

git sumi -c '🎨 refactor: format JS with Prettier'

If your message passes all rules, it will be committed. Otherwise, you'll see what went wrong.


Do you use the pre-commit package manager? Check out the integration guide to add git-sumi to your pre-commit configuration.


Please do! We appreciate bug reports, improvements to documentation (however minor), feature requests, code contributions… To get started, take a look at the contributing guidelines.